Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I'm a Big Girl Now!!

This is Brylee on her First day of pre-school. We left early in case she needed extra time to get used to the school. But, much to my surprise, as soon as we walked in she took of her coat and went to play. I had to call her back to say bye and give me a hug. When Ben picked her up that day, he asked her how it was. The
most important thing she felt she needed to share was: "Those little kids don't flush the toilet when they poop." The next thing she talked about was snack time. Go figure.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Its official...I'm a blogger. (Be kind, please!)

Today's the first day of my blogging endeavor. I guess I'll introduce the two people I spend most of my time with:

Brylee is showing off her stick-on finger nails in this picture. I don't think they were all together for five minutes. Then, for the next two hours she followed me all over the house trying to get me to put different ones back on. Halle is 8 months old now and is very busy. Here's a picture of her in her high chair (her favorite place to be). She loves to eat, especially when she can feed herself.

Brylee has had many exciting events in the past few weeks. She started preschool and got her hair cut. She kept asking for a "short" haircut....and she got it! Then, last night she attempted to cut it even shorter. She cut a chunk of her hair out with her giraffe scissors.

Since Brylee started pre-school, Halle has been getting some Mommy time to herself. She seems to like this quite a bit, and honestly...the quiet is quite heavenly twice a week!