Thursday, April 30, 2009

Tough stuff from Beth Moore

Being a minister's wife isn't always easy. Don't get me wrong, it's such a blessing to be in this role. It's humbling, yet overwhelming. I think the hardest thing for me is dealing with people criticising my husband. Well, Beth (really more God than Beth!) had something to say about that today. I think we can all apply these things to our lives.

She quoted Francis Frangipane who said:
To inoculate me from the praise of man,
He baptized me in the criticism of man,
until I died to the control of man.
Such a nice reminder that we're not here to please man, but to please God. This changed my whole perpective. Rather than look at criticism as an attack on my family, I will look at it as a lesson from God. And everytime it hits me wrong, it will be a reminder that I've got a long way to go in this area.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Halle Walks

Halle decided to start walking about a week and half ago. She's so much more pleasant now because she feels so independent...which makes life so much better!

The kids are always there to make me laugh about something. The other day I was sitting on the front porch with Brylee. Our neighbors had some kids playing in their yard who appeared to be fighting. Brylee talks about how it's not nice to fight and somehow we started talking about her and her best friend/cousin Eli.

I say: You and Eli never fight like that
, do you *(yeah, right!)
Brylee says: Nope, we just cuddle....and hug.....and sometimes we hug so hard that we fall down!
How cute!

Now, It's time to sleep.
It's been a long, tiring week that started off with raw sewage shooting 5 feet in the air in my basement. I think (fingers crossed) that we've found the problem. A mystery rag made its way into a pipe. No one knows how it got there.

I can't wait until husband is presenting Compassion International to our church. I pray God will touch people's hearts to BE Missional and change lives for God. We got to see first-hand what Compassion is able to accomplish in Honduras and are excited to tell the church.